Most people are familiar with the legendary story of The Tell-Tale Heart, the short horror story written by Edgar Allan Poe. The famous tale has served as inspiration and been used as the basis for several films over the years But in the years of 2003 and 2004, the story became the basis for an animated short by a UMass Dartmouth student named Dan Flynn. Using the voice talent of actor Sarah Hartley, the short became a success in the ever-growing animated repertoire of Dan. And the animated short made such an impression on his brother Chris that it persuaded Chris to develop a live-action short film. Chris, who at the time had just graduated from film school at Fitchburg State College in the spring of 2004, had an enormous drive to do another short film of some kind, his first one being aired in late summer of 1999, Sensitive Soul. In combining his talents in film and video production with Dan's animation and imaging skills and with Sarah Hartley's tremendous talents as the lead actor, the three embarked on a year-long journey that would end up with a short film that would become a bigger success than its creators imagined.